Six-seater with illegal passenger

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Six-seaters are great modes of transportation used in Maharastra. Legally they transport six people, two benches for six behind the driver, for prices comparable to the buses. Usually if there are riders needing a ride they cram in four per bench, even getting school children to sit on any adults lap. And occasionally someone sits up front like this lady. That is a license infraction that is easy to spot so it's mostly avoided.

Six-seaters have just (01-03) been banned from city limits under much controversy. The official reasoning is that they are a major contributor to air pollution. Road safety is also thrown it to this argument. The opposition says that the bus 'corporation' pulled strings because is can't compete. It is very sad to see them go. They are basically the same vehicle as the auto rickshaw that is used throughout India including Maharastra. So the air pollution argument seems bogus to me. Auto ricksaws, however, are essentially a taxi service; much more expensive mode of transportation.

Another point of interest is that when the ban as announced the six-seater society (professional association or union) announce a mass suicide pact as an attempt to block the implementation of the law. As I write this they have been removed from the municipal boundaries of Pune, there are law suits pending and no suicides that I know of.
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